PRME Regional Chapter UK and Ireland, Doctoral Colloquium
Hosted Online, 5th July 2021
The UK & Ireland Chapter of PRME is delighted to announce our 2021 Doctoral Colloquium, aiming to support doctoral researchers working to inform the knowledge base on the impact of the six principles of PRME and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Keynote: Prof. Carole Parkes, Professor of Responsible Management and Leadership at the University of Winchester.

Carole Parkes is Emerita Professor of Responsible Management & Leadership at the University of Winchester, a UN-backed PRME (Principles for Responsible Management Education) Global Champion and she has both a business and academic background. Carole was a member (and Acting Chair) of the PRME Global Advisory Committee and a former Chair of the PRME Chapter UK & Ireland. At the PRME 10th Anniversary Global Forum, Carole was presented with a PRME Pioneer Award ‘for her leadership and commitment to the development of PRME’ and appointed a Global PRME Special Advisor.
As an International Journal of Management Education (IJME) Associate Editor, Carole edited the PRME 10th Anniversary Special Issue (2017) and the Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Special Issue (2020). Carole is an editor of Fighting Poverty as a Challenge for Management Education PRME Working Group publications, on the editorial board of Society and Business Review (SBR) and a Co Editor of the Sage Handbook of Responsible Management Learning and Education (2020). She is also a Princes Trust – Business in the Community (BITC) South East Board member and an Inaugural Fellow of the Environmental Association of Universities and Colleges (EAUC).
Carole was previously Director of Social Responsibility & Sustainability at Aston University, where she developed and led ethics, responsibility and sustainability, first in the Business School, the Aston MBA and for the MSc Social Responsibility and Sustainability then across all schools in the University. In 2012/13, Carole was invited to be the Christopher Chair in Business Ethics at Dominican University in Chicago and in 2015, a ‘Researcher in Residence’ at PRiME in New York. Carole regularly speaks, publishes and participates in academic and practitioner events, locally and globally and also works with a range of business and community groups.
We invited contributions from students involved in all areas of research around responsible management and fulfilment of the sustainable development goals. The UK PRME event was held virtually, making it easier for students to participate. This provided an excellent opportunity for Ph.D. and doctoral students that have been impacted by the complications caused by COVID-19 to gain community support from academics working in similar scholarly areas.
Organising Panel
Doctoral Colloquium Chair: Dr. Rachel Welton, please direct any questions to
Fellow colloquium conveners: Dr Sheila Killian, Dr Cristina Neesham, Professor Natascha Radclyffe-Thomas, Dr Fatima Annan-Diab, Dr Alex Hope, Dr. Anica Zeyen.